Importance of Oracle DBA

importance oracle dba

Important of Oracle Database Administrator in present market

importance oracle dbaAt the heart of every corporation, there is a server that holds all the necessary information that the business needs to run. Around the world, there is no such business that world without record keeping. From small, medium to the larger corporation, they all work on the server that houses information about their clients and the orders they are handling. From basic to advance information such as employee database, transportation database, and accounts, these all record is housed in a single server. And none of the records gets mixed up. These servers are complex data warehouses.

Servers are automated machines that work under certain conditions. Servers house the mainframe of Oracle database that is connected to a number of other servers. And a number of employees are simultaneously operating the same database mainframe using easy to use interface developed under some other utility suppose VB (Visual Basic), Java, Oracle developer. Hundreds of queries are executed in a matter of seconds to perform retrieve, save, edit and delete functions. Although Oracle database systems are famous for their reliability there can be a number of situations when this system can crash or there can be a bottleneck at a particular nod.

Oracle DBA is always present on or near the site where Oracle database system is operating. He is the main help and the rescuer available at the site. Troubles whether they are in the system or in the code of query generated, they are handled by him to save time. He is a certified professional looking after the performance of the heart of your business. If he is not trained enough or he lacks required experience, then your whole system along with business itself in trouble. Any wrong and untimely move by him would jeopardize the mission of the business.

Recent financial crises led to the collapse of a number of big corporations and businesses around the globe. The current economic situation leaves no room for error. Therefore it is mandatory that business performance should never come down. On the other hand ever possible efforts being put in to boost the performance. Oracle DBA plays the most vital role in this effort. He makes sure that there are no delays in information transfer. He makes sure that the server runs smoothly. It is his duty to monitor the database network, and in case of a bottleneck development he reacts fast and troubleshoots the problem. It is his duty to look into any query that is not producing the desired results. Server maintenance and effortless running are also the part of his job.

The database stores important data of a company. High security is the main concern to protect data. This security is maintained by the database administrator. Only DBA is able to maintain all kinds of tasks like security, backing up, disaster maintenance, tuning of database and application, monitoring, upgrade, feature usage, etc.

Oracle DBA is one of the most active persons on the corporate team. Serious damage could because to a business in minutes in the server stops responding or there are bottlenecks. Oracle DBA has sufficient knowledge of applications, database, operating systems, networking, and storage. In the absence of a trained Oracle DBA, a business cannot survive in today’s competitive world where customers have ample choice to change their service or product providers. He or she is the most important asset in any business.

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Tags: gitesh trivedi, importance dba, importance oracle dba, oracle dba career

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4 Comments. Leave new

  • Hi Gitesh,

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    • Hi Sunil,

      Book: Oracle DBA Interview Questions & Answers
      ISBN-13: 978-0-615-94784-6
      ISBN-10: 0615947840
      Publisher: Kendba.com

      I hope it is useful to you.

      • Syed abdul rahman
        February 11, 2014 8:23 pm

        Hi Gitesh,

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        Thanking you sir,God plus you

        Answer my question Sir Please It’s important for us ….


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